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Guide to keeping dogs


Friends of Baraja Farm, dog lovers, here are some complete guides on how to raise a good dog, including in the article below.

1. Preparation Before Getting a Dog

1.1. Choosing the Right Breed

Size Consideration
Match the size of the dog to the available space in your home.

Energy and Activity
Choose a breed that fits your activity level. For instance, a Border Collie or Labrador is suitable for active individuals, while a Pug or Shih Tzu is better for a more relaxed lifestyle.

Select a breed based on their personality, whether they are social, independent, or protective.

1.2. Budget

Initial Costs
Include adoption/purchase fees, initial vaccinations, microchipping, and basic equipment such as crates, collars, and leashes.

Ongoing Costs
Food, healthcare, grooming, and pet insurance.

1.3. Home Preparation

Provide a comfortable and warm bed.

Ensure the home is safe from items that dogs could reach and harm themselves with, like electrical cords or toxic plants.

Prepare food and water bowls, toys, brushes, and cleaning supplies.

1.4. Basic Knowledge

Breed Information
Learn about the specific characteristics and needs of the chosen breed.

Emergency Contacts
Keep contact numbers for the vet, emergency clinics, and pet health services handy.

2. Daily Care

2.1. Feeding

Balanced Diet
Choose high-quality food according to the dog's age, size, and health condition. Check labels for balanced nutrition content.

Feeding Schedule
Feed at the same times each day. Puppies need to be fed more frequently than adult dogs.

Avoid Dangerous Foods
Chocolate, grapes, onions, and high-fat foods can be harmful.

2.2. Exercise

Activity Needs
Match exercise intensity and duration to the breed and age of the dog. Larger and more active breeds need more exercise.

Walk at least twice a day and provide playtime at home.

2.3. Grooming

Brush the dog's coat regularly, especially for long-haired breeds, to prevent matting and reduce shedding.

Bathe the dog as needed, usually every few weeks. Use dog-specific shampoo.

Nail Care
Trim nails regularly to prevent them from getting too long, which can cause discomfort or injury.

Routine Checks
Inspect ears, eyes, and teeth for signs of infection or other health issues.

2.4. Health

Ensure the dog gets vaccinations on schedule, including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, etc.

Flea and Worm Treatments
Administer flea and worm treatments regularly.

Regular Check-Ups
Visit the vet for regular health check-ups at least once a year.

3. Training

3.1. Basic Training

Teach basic commands such as "sit," "come," "stay," and "place." Use positive reinforcement methods with praise and rewards.

Introduce the dog to different people and other dogs from an early age to avoid aggression or fear.

Crate Training
Crates can provide a safe space for the dog and help with house training.

3.2. Behavior

Addressing Behavioral Issues
Identify the cause of behavioral issues such as excessive barking or biting. Consult a trainer if necessary.

Advanced Obedience
Consider advanced obedience classes to deepen compliance and social skills.

4. Socialization and Well-Being

4.1. Social Interaction

Meeting Others
Get the dog accustomed to meeting various people and situations to build confidence.

Playing with Other Dogs
Arrange playdates or visits to dog parks for interaction with other dogs.

4.2. Mental Stimulation

Toys and Activities
Provide interactive toys and games that stimulate the dog's mind, such as puzzles or scent games.

New Skills
Teach new tricks or games to keep the dog mentally active.

4.3. Routine

Maintain a consistent daily routine for feeding, playing, and sleeping. Dogs feel more secure with a regular routine.

5. Health

5.1. Health Checks

Schedule regular visits to the vet for general check-ups.

Consider getting pet health insurance to help with unexpected costs.

5.2. Nutrition and Supplements

Proper Diet
Adjust food to meet the dog's health needs.

Consult the vet about any necessary supplements, such as for joints or skin health.

5.3. Handling Illness

Monitor for signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in behavior.

Follow the vet's advice for treatment and care.

5.4. Hygiene

Living Area Cleanliness
Clean the dog’s bed and play area regularly.

Brush the dog's teeth routinely to prevent dental issues.

6. Safety

6.1. Home Environment

Secure Yard
Ensure the yard is securely enclosed to prevent the dog from escaping.

Indoor Safety
Secure hazardous materials and make sure the dog cannot reach dangerous objects.

6.2. Identification

Implant a microchip for more reliable identification if the dog gets lost.
Use a collar with an ID tag that includes the dog's name and your contact number.

7. Travel and Holidays

7.1. Car Travel

Use a dog seat belt or place them in a crate during travel.

Rest Stops
Make regular stops for water and rest.

7.2. Holidays

Pet-Friendly Accommodation
Choose pet-friendly accommodation.

Consider boarding if you cannot take the dog with you.

Caring for a dog requires attention to their physical and emotional well-being. With proper care, dogs can become loyal companions and valuable members of your family.

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